“A myriad of new products have been introduced that have revolutionized periodontal therapy in the past several years. Many of the recognized brand names have survived the test of time, offering the benefit of reducing hand and wrist fatigue as well as tissue trauma. Common in today’s hygiene and periodontal armamentarium are the sonic or ultrasonic scalers. Whether used only occasionally or on a routine basis, most dental professionals are familiar with sonic or ultrasonic technology in some capacity. With the utility of the products that are available today, there is no reason why every operatory should not be equipped with this technology.” – Dentistry Today
We offer many models from the following name brand manufactures:
- Hu-Friedy
- Parkell
- Dentsply Sirona
- Vista
All ultrasonic scalers are vigorously tested and include a three month warranty.
Ultrasonic scaler Repair and Rentals:
Is your current ultrasonic scaler malfunctioning but you’d rather not purchase a new one? Our qualified repair staff can diagnosis and repair your unit in a thorough and timely manner. No need to worry about downtime, our facility can provide a temporary rental unit at an affordable rate. With most parts in stock, we can provide incredibly quick turn around time. Call Quality Dental Equipment at 248-291-6070 today for more information.