ImageWorks Panoura 18S Panoramic and CBCT Imaging Systems

How do we create the gorgeous images we’re so well-know for? It’s the 16 bit sensor. A 16 bit sensor has twice as many greyshades that can be presented in each pixel as a 15 bit sensor and four times as many as a 14 bit sensor. In the end, a 16 bit sensor provides fantastic texture and contrast. All 2D panoramic units have the option to be upgraded to a 3D version at a later date. Please see below for more information.


Most dental panoramic CMOS sensors use lower cost, more generally available materials that are less sensitive to x-ray. Therefore, these sensors must convert x-ray to light before converting to a digital signal. This can result in image blurriness because the extra conversion step can cause the radiation to “fan out” and inadvertently trigger surrounding pixels. The Panoura has a unique sensor design that converts x-ray directly to digital, which contributes to a much sharper image.

How do we create the gorgeous images we’re so well-know for? It’s the 16 bit sensor. A 16 bit sensor has twice as many greyshades that can be presented in each pixel as a 15 bit sensor and four times as many as a 14 bit sensor. In the end, a 16 bit sensor provides fantastic texture and contrast.

Panoura 18S features auto-correction for suboptimal patient positioning. Without this, an already suboptimal image (from a pan with a lower-quality sensor) can be further degraded if the patient is not positioned optimally. With the Panoura, the very high data-capture sensor acquires many “layers” of image data. This allows the powerful software to auto-correct for suboptimal patient positioning. It’s worth noting that all of this data is available after the image is taken – so the image can be further optimized if desired. In the end, this assures exquisite images with the Panoura every time while being less dependent on operator training or the ability of the patient to remain stationary.

Our basic 2D dental panoramic unit is upgradeable to 3D, so there is peace of mind that the initial investment is protected if 3D capability is needed later on. Our 3D rendering technology allows for detailed zoom-in capabilities without resolution loss. Instead of simply magnifying, 3D Zoom Cube re-renders the selected producing a high-quality, sharp image. Clearly visualize root canals and precisely map the alveolar nerve canal as you examine any cross section from all sides of the cube.

Visit ImageWorks for detailed videos and more information:

x-ray units, new x-ray units, imageworks